GEO 1111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Galilean Moons, Formation And Evolution Of The Solar System, Space Debris

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GEO 1111 Full Course Notes
GEO 1111 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Geology: the science that pursues an understanding of planet earth: geology deals with large spatial-scales & complex systems. controlled experiments are difficult/sometimes impossible. there is only one earth . Deductive scientific method: collection of scientific facts (data, development of one or more working hypotheses to explain the facts, development of observations & experiments to test the hypotheses, acceptance, modification, or rejection. Solar system: consists of our star, the sun, the planets, their satellites, and asteroids. Lecture 3: the solar system and the origin of earth. Because were spinning we have sun sets and rises. Tides are influenced by the moon and sun gravitational pull. Weather due to differences in velocities creates drag on atmosphere. Solar nebula cloud of he, h, some heavier dust from stars and supernova. 4. 6-4. 4 ga ago, gravitational contraction cloud initiates rotation. Gravitational collapse increase t light elements driven towards outer edges of disk. Planets result from accretion of dust planetisimals.