PHA 3112 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Opioid Antagonist, Tramadol, Acamprosate

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Document Summary

Pure opioid agonist ; pain (mod to severe) Methadone (metadol) opioid agonist ; oral only ; used for tx. Opioid antagonist ; overdose, no effects unless opioids in system. Nonopioid centrally acting analgesic ; mechanism not understood. Cns depressant : causes general depression by activating inhibitory. Gaba and inhibiting excitatory glutamate; and activation of reward circuit. Used for maintenance and abstinence of alcohol dependence following detox. Reverses opioid actions, including analgesia, sedation, euphoria, resp depression; will cause immediate withdrawal syndrome. Toxicity: triad: coma, resp depression and pinpoint pupils; tx with antagonist. Do not cause resp. depression, dependence or abuse. Chronic use can lead to many neurologic and psych disorders. May preserve cognitive function in older adults and against dementias. Caution in pregnancy, labour and delivery, head injury (can"t assess consciousness) Teratogenic may lead to fetal alcohol syndrome. Should only be used as part of a comprehensive health plan.