PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sensory System, Neuroglia, Midbrain

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Why we need to understand the brain, Different between innate behavior vs learned behavior. 3 different theories of brian and behavior, be able to define each, what is introductory to the sensory nervous system the difference between them, don"t worry about names. Animalia is the only one out of 5 systems with a brain. Complexity increase as complexing of cerebellum inscreaing jerison, size of brain does not represent size of intellect, principle of proper mass. Why did our brain become so large, we had to adapt to different environemnts, change in behavior habits, different brain mass, finding fruits is harder then finding grass. Can"t measure brain size or intelligence, lots of things go in to making the brains what they are. Csf, proving nutrietns, taking away bad stuff. Label the brain: temporal, frontal lobe, parital lobe,e occipital, brani stem, cerebellum. Hind brain: cerebellum, reticular formation, pons, medulla, Located cerebal correx, basal ganglia,hippocampus, **picture in notes**