PSY 4130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gustav Fechner, Ewald Hering, Analytic Geometry

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What are the 7 schools of thought: structuralism. Epiphenomenalism: brain causes mental events but mental events cannot cause behaviour: parallelism: mind and body do not interact, psychophysical parallelism: enviro experience causes with mental events & bodily responses stimantously. Mechanism vs vitalism: mechanism: believe that you can break down people into di erent parts and study the parts separately in order to nd out what each part does to work as a whole, also known as reductionism. #2: vitalism: cannot reduce anything to material things, everything is a whole. Rationalism vs irrationalism: rationalism: validity and invalidity can be found out by applying basic rules of logical. Rationalism vs empiricism when studying science. science is a combination of rationalism and emopiricism: empiricism believes that things can be looked at through observation by senses, irrationalism: looking at things that aren"t logical processes; the unconscious processes.