SOC 1105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Emmeline Pankhurst, Symbolic Interactionism, George Herbert Mead

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Many of the things we do are processes that extend beyond our individual choices. Are rooted in the structural conditions of the social, political, and economic order in which we live (marxist influences) One of the roles of sociology is to uncover these structural conditions. Systematic research and a value free approach is applied. Structural aspects of society are enduring patterns of social relations and institutions: ex: political systems, voting or economic systems and taxation structures. Society is organized through these patterns within which individual and group action is carried on. The ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society. Personal trouble: when a person commits suicide, likely a personal or private reason for it (poor self esteem, hatred on oneself) Public issue: suicide may be a result of social reasons (lack of social cohesiveness, poor education and economic base, etc. ) Emmanuel joseph sieyes (1748-1836) first coined the term.