HLTA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pituitary Gland, Adrenal Gland, Antipositivism
Document Summary
Problematization: we think deeply and ask a lot of questions; explicate and challenge assumptions. Applies rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use committed to transformation, social justice (linked to third approach) committed to over-coming egocentrism and socio-centrism. Egocentric thinking (i) failing to consider the rights and needs of others, the point of view of others, or the limitations of our own view points. Most ppl do not understand the degree to which they have uncritically internalized the dominant prejudices and stereotypes of their society or culture socio-centric thinking is a kind of group think . Allows for creative exploration and collaboration around health needs, healthcare and health public policy. Encourages development of interventions in different disciplines, professions, and organizations (simultaneously) Ministry of transportation working with health ministry for aboriginals to be able to get the care without roads they cant access hospitals. Encourages innovation by challenging different perspectives with an overall attitude of mutual knowledge and respect.