MGSC14H3 : summary of lectures

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Anti discrimination laws r insufficient to equality, you need affirmative action. Affirmative action is reverse discrimination because both the intent and the result of it differ from that of the kind of discrimination we"re trying to get rid of. Intent: which is to degrade or humiliate a certain group. (old fashioned) Affirmative action can only bring less qualified workers and enforce resentment (criticism) If you think affirmative action brings resentment, then you must think that racial prejudice has come to an end because you would think that any competent person is able to get a job despite their race. The police officers might have more sensitivity when treating the black people than a. The experience would be more pleasant when you"re policing an urban black. Is it more justifiable? white officers would, as they have had more experiences with the black community neighborhood look at mad at being denied an opportunity to become an object.