MGTA02H3 : Excellent notes!
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MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Chapter 8 foundation of human resources management: Human resource management (hr m ) is the set of organization activities directed at attracting developing and maintaining an effective workforce. poor human resource planning can result in spurts of hiring followed by layoffs costly in terms of unemployment compensation payments, training expenses, and morale. Job analysis: - is a systematic analysis of jobs within an organization. Job description - lists of duties of a job, its working condition, and tools, materials, and equipment used to perform it. Job specification lists the skill abilities and other credentials needed to do the job. The manager starts by assessing trends in past hr usage, future organization plans, and general economic trends. Forecast of sales the demand of employees etc. Forecasting the supply of labor involves: forecasting internal supply the number and type of employees who will be in the firm at some future date.