MGTA36H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Job Interview, All New People, Body Language
Document Summary
Book 1: speaking your way to the top. Understanding the eight types of business presentations: one-on-one. If you don"t know the answer to a question, say you will find out. Job interview: learn about company as much as you can. Find out about the topic as much as you can, get an agenda if possible. If you need to make comments, make notes in advance in order to have something to refer back to. If you have a general idea of what is going to be discussed, try to find out more beforehand. Scared to speak; write down comments before & refer to notes. If you cannot find out what the topic is beforehand, you will be at a disadvantage so try and speak up and add to the discussion. Find out who is leading the meeting and ask about any contributions you can make & topics covered. Prepare comments beforehand and be prepared to change them if needed.