NROC61H3 Study Guide - Leptin, Proopiomelanocortin, Optogenetics

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1. focus on hypothalamus as a motivation center: known as a motvation center, evidence for this, also have different functions (refer to lec08) 2. regulation of feeding behavior a. long term regulation: hunger vs satiety centers, short term regulation, weight loss, exercise and food regulation, practical applications motivation center in brain. 2. internal states important in parasympathetic and sympathetic systems: noradrenaline / 5ht. 1. food intake controlled by reflexive mechanisms: hunger signal from stomach to brain leading to change in behavior eating, stomach gives us the cue that we"re hungry. 1: glucostatic theory, eating increase glucose excite vmh / inhibit lh satiety stop eating decrease glucose excite lh / inhibit vmh hunger issues with lh = hunger center. 1. lead to paradigm shift in idea of obesity: obesity not a character flaw it is a physiological disease that can be treatable, obese people lack leptin leptin and treatment of obesity.