POLB80H3 : study guide

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13 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Realism and liberalism discuss and compare or contrast realism and liberalism. Many theories demonstrate insight into the concept of war, international relations and domestic relations. Realism and liberalism provide pictures that relate and coexist, yet are opposite in theory. Realists plan for permanence of the current international state of affairs. Neither viewpoint gives us the right or wrong side as both contain truths depending on circumstances. International politics relies on all players in order to be complete. No one theory or example can cover all situations. Realist and liberalist theories provide contrasting views on actors, goals, and instruments of international affairs. Realism and liberalism define the actors within international relations differently from each other. Realists tell us that only powerful, larger states are true actors in international politics. Liberals believe that states are the central players but there are many other actors to consider.

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