73 views2 pages
19 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Domestic power structures and development: course intro. [see syllabus under course information on web page] A major determinant of development strategies and outcomes is the character of the state, and the domestic power structures and political coalitions underpinning it. State borders and institutions were imposed by colonial rules. Strong despotic or coercive power but weak infrastructural or transformative power. Purpose of colonial rule was extractive rather than developmental. The power structure of the colonial state was intended by ruling elites after independence to protect their interests. Types of state power: despotic power: the power to control and suppress (global south, columbia, infrastructural power: the power to administer and transform (global north) Development trap: the vicious circle of poverty that prevents a country from developing. Collier"s thesis: the real challenge of development is that there is a group of countries at the bottom that are falling behind, and often falling apart (e. g. the bottom billion).

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