PSYB65H3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 105 pages long!)
Document Summary
Introspection studying by using yourself: done via structuralism, has so(cid:373)e li(cid:373)its, for e(cid:454)a(cid:373)ple (cid:373)e(cid:373)or(cid:455) (cid:894)either (cid:455)ou re(cid:373)e(cid:373)(cid:271)er or (cid:455)ou do(cid:374)"t, (cid:374)o (cid:449)a(cid:455) to see how it works introspectively) Edwin smith papyrus: earliest document on how to treat trauma, 48 cases, some brain related, started talking about localization of function, mentioned losing language due to blows to the head. Impaired comprehension despite fluent output: language more likely in the left hemisphere therefore. Interestingly stimulated the front third of te brain and nothing happended: brain mapping using electrocorti(cid:272)al sti(cid:373)ulatio(cid:374) o(cid:374) the (cid:271)rai(cid:374)"s surfa(cid:272)e, phineas gage, total ablation of orbitofrontal cortex (ofc, had front part of the brain destroyed. Specialized subfields in cognitive neuroscience: develpmental cognitive neuroscience, social cognitive neuroscience, cultural cognitive neuroscience, clinical cognitive neuroscience, rehabilitation neuroscience. Insulate neurons to speed neural transmission: schwann cells, pns. Interneurons: bulk of the neurons we have, they combine information together so that decisions can be made, help make memories, help represent sounds for language.