PSYC21H3 : Bauer and Gallese notes
Document Summary
Patricia bauer event memory: neural, cognitive, and social influences on early. Focus on lower level of analysis (neural systems, basic cognitive processes and social influences) Early infant memory: after birth, children able to distinguish novel vs familiar story passages told to them while in the last weeks of pregnancy, infants learn/benefit from past experiences. Declarative and non-declarative memory: memory is not unitary trait, comprised of many systems, serve different functions and follow different rules of operation, declarative memory. captures what we refer to as memory/remembering . capacity to explicitly recall names, places, events and so on. fast, flexible and fallible (memory traces degrade during recollection) multi-component networking (temporal and cortical structures) entire circuit finishes developing the first year of life and continues to develop thereafter and pronounced changes in declarative memory. 6 months of age: infant remember 1 step out of a 3 part sequence.