PSY100H1 Chapter 7: chapter 7

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12 Dec 2010
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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Objects features and locations: long-term memory (ltm) permanent storage of information. Serial position effect ability to recall items from a list depends on order of presentation, which items presented early or late remembered better than those in the middle. Section 2 different memory systems: explicit memory the process involved when people remember specific information. Semantic memory memory for knowledge about the world. Episodic and semantic memories are distinct form each other - this can be seen in brain injury semantic may be intact but episodic may be impaired: ex. British children who experienced brain injury as infants they couldn"t remember what they had for lunch, or to go to school but their iqs fell within the normal range. This was because they had poor episodic memory. Implicit memory - the process by which people show an enhancement of memory, most often through behavior, without deliberate effort and without any awareness that they are remembering anything: ex.