PSYC06H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Orbicularis Oris Muscle, Fast Fourier Transform, Muscle Contraction

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15 Apr 2013

Document Summary

The respiration rate is the number of breaths you take in a minute (~12 16) The tidal volume is the volume of air your lungs process per breath (~400 500ml) Respiration interrupts the vagal influence on heart rate. When you inhale, hr goes up; when you exhale, The size of this oscillation reflects the strength of vagal influence. Rsa indexes parasympathetic activity: calculation: it is calculated with the fast fourier transform (fft) that assesses the degree of oscillation in hr that falls within certain (3) frequency bands of respiration. Rsa has a high frequency band of . 15 - . 4 hz: psychological correlates/meaning: attention seems to be the key to the relationship between the parasympathetic nervous system and social functioning. When there is focused attention, there is a phasic decrease in rsa. When there is divided attention, there is a phasic increase in rsa. The vagus nerve controls attention, emotional expression, and communication.