RLGA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Talcott Parsons, Paul Tillich, Kabbalah

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Diaspora jewish people living outside of israel (dispersion of jews). Example would be jewish individuals where exiled from spain. Another israelites exiled in babylonia when irst temple was destroyed. Halakhah is a scared document to which is legal material. Menorah 7 branches that hold candles that represents the miracle of. Messiah (from hebew) anointed one person chosen to lead people through a problem. An example is moses who was adopted by the pharaoh"s wife, who then killed a soldier for beaing a jew. He then let to lead the jewish people to. Mishnah early rabbinic document related to laws and rituals. Torah. (torah has muliple meanings which is also called the hebrew bible). Babylonian talmud is an extension of the mishnah and is a document that relates to laws and rituals. Rabbi a jewish scholar that knows the documents of jewish laws to which they teach. Thought moses and god were in communicaion in oral torah.