SOCA01H3 Midterm: mid-term study notes definitions

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2 Aug 2016

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Poststructuralism; originated in the mid-twentieth-century france, denied the stability of social relations and of cultures, their capacity to always shape how people think and act, and their neat categorization of social and cultural elements as binary opposites. Feminist theory; patriarchy is at least as important as class inequality in determining a persons opportuinty. Postindustrial revolutions; refers to the tech-driven shift from manufacturing to service industries. Globalization; is the process by which formally separates economies, states, and cultures come together and people become increasingly aware of their growing independence. Propositions; are ideas that result from nding the relationship between concepts. Sample; is part of the population of research interest that is selected for analysis. Population; is the entire group about which the researcher wants to generate. Objectivity; is assessed by the degree of consistency between the observations of independent observers. Positivists; assumes that social realities are objective and are best studied through quantitative research methods.