SOCC26H3 Midterm: Term Test Study Guide

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If you travelled in europe, many european cities have these old cities like barcelona, spain, and other places in. In industrial cities in canada, many problems were similar in nature (winnipeg, toronto, montreal) as london. Woodsworth a study of the problems and civic pathology written in 1911 oj. s. Frank lloyd wright = low population density and huge urban sprawl: factories in cities were multi storey factories (clothing factories are now lofts) www. notesolution. com, before factories in toronto spread out into suburbs, factories used to be in downtowns. 19th century, came up with utopian plan to remedy all problems of poverty, poor sanitation, overcrowding, and housing, etc. www. notesolution. com. Invested return on their capital will be kept at 5% Don mills, originally, the ideal was that it would provide employment, where people didn"t have to go to cities. It was meant to put a limit to urban sprawl www. notesolution. com.

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