[HIS109Y1] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 27 pages long Study Guide!

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Feudalism can be traced back to roman imperialism. Where patrons did favors for the commoners and vice versa (though the commoners always contributed more). Property was distributed by a landowner and in return, peasants would tend to them for their needs and those of the rich, whilst knights provided protection. It was necessary to rely on the personal allegiances and connections in your locality. Feudalism was a response to the destruction of central gov"t, providing organization, protection, and a settlement for dispute. Operated in europe between the time of charlemagne and the magna carta. Tribes of the far east brought with them stirrups, enabling the ability to ride horses and carry arms (swords). They in turn could instantly defeat any foot soldier. Yet, horses were expensive, to keep, feed, and train and equally we ourselves would have to train in swordsmanship. With the collapse of the roman empire came the collapse of coinage for some time, re- initiating bartering.