LIN204H1 Midterm: Midterm Prep (Definitions, Matching, and Short Answers)
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Lecture 1: you should be able to define prescriptivism and descriptivism, and be able to associate a given viewpoint with one or the other. prescriptivism: how people ought to speak; some ways of speaking are better than others. descriptivism: no type of english is better, or more logical or clearer than any other. Lecture 2: you should be able to define morpheme. the smallest unit of meaning: you should be able to define and identify cran- morphemes. the bound root morphemes that cannot stand alone (it"s only when they"re in combination with other morphemes that they have meaning: you should be able to define constituent. the words being part of groups (some words have a closer connection with one another than with other words in the sentence) Lecture 3: you should be able to define deictic and anaphoric.
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