PHL200Y1 Midterm: Midterm Exam Study Notes

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In fact, by unjustly putting him to death they are only hurting their own states of soul. First known teachers because they charged a fee (however this earned them a bad reputation) Orators (persuasion): making weaker or worse arguments appear stronger and better right argument: speak what"s just wrong argument: speak the opposite and not be ashamed. Laches: the search for the universal definition of the nature of courage. Having a definition that is ir refutable is a sign of knowledge. You cannot be something if you cannot articulate it as a universal definition. Mater ial ists: mon ists vs. plural ists. Anaximenes was the only one to give some account to his concept of air being the basis of everything. He believed it was the variation in temperature and density that made air appear as so many different things when really they were all made of the same basic thing.

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