POL200Y1- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Book i & ii: cephalus and polemarchus, glaucon and adei, thrasymachus politics was about more than politics (ethics, how to live a good life); how politics makes you who you are. Different conceptions of justice picked up from each character. Regime: organization of political power and arrangements of offices that operate a whole way of life; political way of life. Regimen prescribed course of medical treatment, way of life. Plato"s regime: politics in a way that may not strike you as political; ancient view. Thrasymachus to glaucon & socrates [coming back from the piraeus a port city in the region of attica, greece. Piraeus is located within the athens urban area from. Polemarchus (cephalus" son(cid:524) invites to his house foreshadows persuasion, Cephalus embodies head of the family insults thrown at each other about age; subtle bantering/disrespect goes on until. Socrates (between cephalus and socrates): friendly-badgering/locker room talk; subliminal.