POL208Y1 : Summaries of all the articles

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11 Feb 2011

Document Summary

How liberalism creates democratic peace john owen. His theory augments existing explanations of the democratic peace in structural (focusing on liberal institutions like veto points) and normative (focusing on liberal ideologies like domestic norms of compromise projected into foreign affairs) factors. Countries do not fight with each other if they perceive the other to be a democracy and this perception is important. They use liberal ideology and liberal institutions to bring about democratic peace. Liberal elites broadcast the idea against war with another through free speech and illiberal elites back down out of fear of electoral upheaval. American quasi war (1796-98), anglo-american relations during the civil. He rebuttals structural realism that states domestic political structures and ideas can fundamentally shape foreign policy. He argues that although this may be true, liberalism is needed to push democracies to be peaceful with each other. The retreat of the state susan strange.

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