POL214Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Treasury Board Secretariat, Instant-Runoff Voting, Responsible Government
Document Summary
The constitution within the const. Essence of a constitution is not what is written down- it"s what we think the const. is. If govt. loses confidence, loses vote on budge, loses speech from throne, must resign. Gg does what pm advises. From parliamentary supremacy to constitutional supremacy. Conventions- rules that are not written but generally. Charter qualifies and limits parliamentary supremacy. *a const. is more than just a written text- it encompasses rules/principles beyond what it merely written in text. Federalism, democracy, const. the rule of law and respect for minorities must be considered. Amending formula (sections 38- 49 of 1982 const. Act)- 5 formulas for const. change: section 38+42. 7/50 rule any changes required support of commons, senate, and 7 legislatures that when 7 combined, should compose more than. Basically, 1867 const. didn"t specify who could pass const. changes/amendments, which meant b had the final say in passing laws. Amending const. since 1982: const.