PSY100H1 Midterm: Midterm- Textbook Chapter 4 Notes You dont need to read textbook! Just read this! I took this course on 2010. Guaranteed A in this midterm. Ch.4) Brain and Consciousness

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Phrenology: an early method of assessing personality traits and mental abilities by measuring bumps on the skull. Brain consists of a patchwork of highly specialized areas. Broca"s area: the left frontal region of the brain that is crucial to the production of language. Spinal cord: part of the central nervous system, a rope of neural tissue that runs inside the hollows of the vertebrae from just above the pelvis and into the base of the skull. Gray matter: a segment of the spinal cord that is dominated by the cell bodies of neurons. White matter: a segment of the spinal cord that consists mostly of axons and the fatty sheaths that surrounds them. The brainstem houses the basic programs of survival. Brainstem: a section of the bottom of the brain that houses the most basic programs of survival, such as breathing, swallowing, vomiting, urination, and orgasm.