SOC101Y1 : Study Guide 2

79 views7 pages
20 Feb 2011

Document Summary

L5 - locke: disputes divinity of monarchy, defends right of peoples to revolt, perfect human nature founded on the golden rule - preservation of peace & equality. Authority vested in all to punish transgressors, proportional to crime committed. Those who have been personally damaged have the unique right to seek reparation. Prince: even if a leader is wise, forthright, and morally exemplary, assurances against tyranny are needed. The legislative authority, appointed by the people, is thus the supreme power. Furthermore, law must be impartial and equally applicable to all regardless of political or social status: under a constitutional government, it is simply unthinkable that anyone should possess absolute, arbitrary power . A leader who attempts such an exercise of power invites violent insurrection. This should only be carried out, however, when the actions of the leader injure - or lead to the impending injury of - the majority of citizens, so as to prevent never-ending uprising.

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