SOC101Y1 : study guide
Document Summary
Pragmatic greek practical america was very practical, very practical. Theory and practice, our common sense taken for granted activities to survive. Purse was founder how to make our ideas clear, how do we, pragmatis wanted to teach us , critical common sensism. Human beings very beginning engage in practice and theory. Practice what they had to do make a living and go about their business t rial and error had to learn by experience. We are fallable in one way or another, saving grace we are are corregable, want to opportunity to correct our mistakes, Theory learn from experience need to reflect from experience make mistakes over and over, Practice without theory is blind, theory without practice is powerless, and if irt doesn"t enlighten us in everyday life. Every childs education is informed by both theory and practice. Theory is thinking we do or reflection upon experience so he doenst have to go therough it.