SMC314H1 : Notes, minus third lecture and documentary

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12 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Good typogrpahy helps people read your copy, while bad typography prevents them doing so. Named after the pieces of lead used to space letters in typesetting. 16-point lead with 12 point font means 4 points of leading. Bottom of descender to top of ascender of line bellow. Negative leading: the ascending and descending can basically touch. Matters with columns or pages side by side. Cuts the letter to allow letters to sit better together. It"s technically letterspacing, but is in this case kerning. Dependent on your intent, your message, size of word. With one word, it isn"t problematic, however with multiple words, it is. As type gets smaller, you need more space between words and letters. Flush on one side, ragged on the other. The point of flush left is that it doesn"t need hyphens. Allows the reader to flow from one column into the next. Too close, and the lines of each column blend together.

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