Anthropology 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Language Revitalization, Linguistic Anthropology, Linguistic Relativity

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Another reason project was not successful of present day. Students need to respect the elders preventing them from practicing language (politeness thing going on, settle land claims in yukon, lang was important so create program to start teaching the youth to learn to speak kaska. Why did they bring in that project part of making things better for residential schools fed gov wanted to. Outside coming in causing power dynamic impact project negatively: what went wrong then think about what you would change, lang revitalization make language useful in everyday life embedded into context. Most important concept in linguistic anthropology linguistic relativity sapir-whorf hypothesis. Linguistic relativity theory that individuals thoughts and actions are influenced by the language they. Language influences culture thoughts and actions influenced by language. Major concepts learned in socio cultural female genital mutilation cultural relativity. Cultural relativism idea that when looking at another culture must look at it from the point of view of.