Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Visual Search, Visual Cortex, Blue Network

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Prioritised processing of some inputs, from a larger set of selectable items. Attention mechanisms determine which items are selected, where attention is directed. Divided attention can do multiple things at the same time but less accurately. Difficulty depends on how constantly the attention is required for both tasks and the relation & similarity btw them. Covert attention allocation of attention without making eye movements. Overt attention shift in attention accompanied by shift in gaze. Attention systems are closely related to systems related to making eye movements. Both independent of the distinction of endo- vs. exogenous attention. Spatial attention prioritisation of an area within the visual field. Feature attention attention paid to features (e. g. colours, orientation, brightness ) Visual search task traditional paradigm in which peeps are asked to quickly locate a target in an array of distractors. Object attention attention to one object rather than another. Egyl"s experiment 4 locations surrounding (in a perfect square) central fixation cross cue target.