Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Point Source Pollution, Guano

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The perfect storm describes the demand for more food, water and energy whilst needing to reduce climate change. Increased demand for food and energy by 50% by 2030 and increased demand for water by 30% by 2030. The most important protein source for livestock is soybean meal. Feeding protein from animal waste (meat and bone meal) back to animals caused madcow disease and so this process was changed. Fishmeal can only be fed to non-ruminant animals like pigs and poultry. Animals produce large amounts of waste and greenhouse gases. Finding solutions to the challenges of public health, feed and the environment, animal health and welfare and genetic diversity will result in the real" green revolution producing sustainable food production methods. Animal manure is a good source of fertiliser and was the first compound fertiliser, meaning it contained more than one element usually a blend of nitrogen, phosphates and potash.