Biology 3593B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Neural Crest, Dorsal Root Ganglion, Neural Tube

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20 May 2020

Document Summary

Describe the derivatives of the neural crest and their contribution to the vertebrate body plan. Explain how the development of neural crest has changed the vertebrate body plan compared to other chordates. The neural crest is a highly specialised, mesenchymal cell, found only in the vertebrates. It is a migratory cell and can differentiate into many cell types. It has been critical for the evolution and success of the vertebrates. It only develops from the dorsal (back) neural tube and it develops along the whole anterior-posterior axis. The neural crest induction happens towards the end of neurulation. Ectoderm at the edge of the neural groove expresses genes wnt6 and bmp4 (signalling molecules). Wnt6 and bmp4 signal to the edge of the neural tube. It binds to the e-boxes on the promoters of specific genes. These genes are typically involved in cell adhesion. Cell adhesion lost and there"s an epithelial-mesenchymal transition. As the neural tube forms, edges become the dorsal part.