Biology 1001A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Copy-Number Variation, Sister Chromatids, Homologous Chromosome

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Learning outcomes for lecture cycles 3,4,5 & 6. Cycle 4: the basic mechanism of dna recombination in meiosis. 4 backbones of dna are broken and the allele of each maternal and paternal chromosome are exchanged: the stage of meiosis when recombination occurs: prophase i of meiosis, evolutionary advantages of gene duplication. Gene duplication can result in complexity of organisms rise of variation, advantage trait: products of meiosis in animals vs. plants, fungi and algae. Gametes are produced by gametophyte by mitosis: timing of meiosis in vertebrate life cycles. Males produces sperms after they are sexually mature: main differences between meiosis and mitosis. Each homologous chromosome is from one of the parents. There are 2 stages: meiosis i & ii. The first one divides the homologous chromosomes and the second one divides the sister chromatids. The number of chromosomes changes in meiosis, whereas in mitosis n stays the same: characteristics of homologous chromosomes.