Biology 1002B Study Guide - Final Guide: Tata Box, Stop Codon, Start Codon

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Disconnect between genome size & protein coding genes. Maybe there is redundancy; duplicates of genes for same protein. Maybe not all genes are protein coding. Genes too big to get out of organelles. How is gene structure/expression different in eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic: diverse types of (cid:862)signals(cid:863) in dna (how are they understood by the cell) Promoter: where to start transcription, understood by rna polymerase (in prokaryotes); polymerase directed to promoter by protein factor that is released when transcription begins, euks rna pol(cid:455)(cid:373)e(cid:396)ase ii (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t (cid:271)i(cid:374)d to (cid:374)aked p(cid:396)o(cid:373)ote(cid:396), need transcription factors. Sd box; (found in dna), understood as mrna, binds to rrna to stabilize initiation of translation (proks) Tata box: tata binding proteins to attract rna polymerase ii, understood by initial transcription factor. Start codon: transcribed, becomes translated, recognized by ribosome. Terminator in dna gets transcribed into rna- (not understood in dna, understood in rna) Polyadenylation signal- understood as mrna, by cleaving enzyme.