Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Olympic Truce, Hellanodikai, Bouleuterion

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Heralds (spondophoroi) truce bearers from elis that spread word of the olympic. Selected by lot by the elean council (90 member who hold the office for life: elean council was housed in one of three gymnasia in elis (link between sport and politics in elis) Responsible for conducting 30 day training period of athletes before the games. Evaluating athletes for qualification to compete in the olympic games. Officiating the olympic contests and punishing athletes for violation of rules of the contests. The agora the gathering social spot for the people of greece, the central spot. Stadion use in off season grazing cattle or growing wheat stadion is the running event. Skammata dug during the competition for jumping in the pentathlon used to train for wrestling. Hectabomb sacrifice 100 oxen on the ash altar of zeus. First group made in 388 bce and second group in 322 bce. Pre-liminal phase separation from community (30 day period of training in elis)