Computer Science 1032A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Crowdsourcing, Key Escrow, Personal Information Protection And Electronic Documents Act

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COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
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Information is used to determine how to transform the inputs they receive into the outputs they produce: object management group (omg), a software industry standards organization, created the business. Process modeling notation (bpmn) (a standard set of terms and graphical notations for documenting business processes) Reader, email), data (quantity received, shipping invoice), procedures (reconcile receipt document with invoice, issue payment authorization if needed, process exceptions) and people (accounts payable) Borland together, igrafx flowcharter and freeware applications (such as ids scheer aris. However, all functional systems are interrelated: cross-developmental (also known as cross-functional) systems integrate data and business processes across different departments and systems. Interorganizational systems are functional systems that are used by two or more related companies (i. e. e-commerce applications) Inventory reduction: lead-time reduction, greater, real-time insight into an organization, higher profitability. Increase supply chain speed: reduce costs of buying and selling, reduce size and cost of inventories.