Engineering Science 4498F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canadian Council Of Professional Engineers, Alternative Dispute Resolution, High Standard Manufacturing Company

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A self-selected, self-disciplined group of individuals who hold themselves out to the public as possessing a special skill derived from training and education, and are prepared to exercise that skill in the interest of others . Peo licensing requirements: be at least 18 years old, be a good character, hold an undergraduate engineering degree from a canadian engineering. Ethics is classified as one of the four traditional branches of philosophy: Logic: the study of reasoning, analysis, and critical thinking. Epistemology: the theory of knowledge what is it, how do we get it, how do we know what we know. Metaphysics: the study of the nature of existence, appearance, and reality. Ethics: is the study of good and evil, right and wrong, obligations and rights. The code of ethics for licensed engineers in ontario describes the high standard of professionalism to which members are expected to adhere. The practicing professional engineer owes his/her loyalty to: