Health Sciences 1002A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Negative And Positive Rights, Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples

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Health sciences final human rights as a framework for health: Review: universal, based on values of equality, freedom, solidarity, distinct from privilege. Human rights rights that are automatically granted by a state, government, or authority, and apply to everyone internationally. Rights that are automatically granted by a state, government, or authority, and apply to everyone internationally. The 3 features of human rights are that they are: Mainstreaming is a strategy for making human rights an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies. It involves assessing the human rights implications of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs, in all areas at all levels: universal declaration of human rights. Was a document that was an effort after wwii, in the context of intentional destruction of human lives, and mass extermination of people who were considered unworthy.