Health Sciences 2700A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Ethology, Determinism, Precision Medicine

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The study of changes stemming from modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code. Epigenetic markers regulate gene expression by turning genes on or off. By controlling gene expression, epigenetic mechanisms regulate bodily processes. Genetically determined survival behaviours that are assumed to have evolved through natural selection. If something serves humanity, then that will be selected for in subsequent offspring. Related people are more similar than those who are unrelated. The view that genetically inherited cognitive social traits have evolved through natural selection. Genetically inherited cognitive and social characteristics promote survival and adaptations at different times across the lifespan (programmed with predispositions) Behaviour is determined by conscious and unconscious processes. Personality structure has three parts that develop over time: id, According to freud there are five stages that children and adults progress through that need to be resolved, if not this will result in fixations. The stages are oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.