Health Sciences 3101A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health Professional, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Public Administration

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Part 1: the changing legal environment: more litigious society- the environment in which all hc professionals are in has before more challenging than ever. The rise in litigation is well reflected in the increased number of civil suits against doctors. 4x increase in suits 1976 to 2015. Factors expanding the role of law: explaining the increase of the role of the law, shift form paternalistic to rights-based notions of health care (what is in the medical best interest of the patient). Child abuse- was ignored as was seen as family matter and not of the court. Now teachers can"t ever touch students, ie. cannot console student after they have fallen. Gov looks for a quick fix, the over-reaction happens often. Violence against women: bernardo now prof can never be in room alone with a female student. 49: flood of complex, piecemeal legislation, particularly in regard to mandatory reporting and privacy. A lot of amendments to hc acts.