Health Sciences 3101A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Assault, Canada Health Act, Sexual Assault

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Factors expanding role of law: paternalism -> rights based health care (focus on patient"s individual rights vs. best interest, all competent patients can make own care decisions (old, young, disabled, etc. $ for other stuff: provs under pressure to streamline services and reduce costs. Legal expectations of healthcare professionals: act reasonably and in good faith (i. e. in best interest of patient, don"t need to know law or always be right. * plan cannot provide payment for insured service subject to extra-billing . Intentionally applying force to another without consent: attempting/threatening force, must apparently have present ability to carry out threat. * consent obtained by threat, fraud, or authority is no defence: assault with weapon or causing bodily harm, bodily harm requires hurt or injury that is more than transient/trifling, aggravated assault, wounding, maiming, disfiguring, endangering, sexual assault. * non-threatening comments (i. e. just being mean/rude) doesn"t count.