Kinesiology 2000A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Health Belief Model, Theory Of Reasoned Action, Social Cognitive Theory

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Kinesiology 2000 week 8 reading: exercise behaviour. These models help us to understand the process of exercise adoption and adherence. It stipulates that the likelihood of a(cid:374) i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual"s e(cid:374)gagi(cid:374)g i(cid:374) pre(cid:448)e(cid:374)ti(cid:448)e health (cid:271)eha(cid:448)iour (cid:894)su(cid:272)h as e(cid:454)er(cid:272)ise(cid:895) depe(cid:374)ds o(cid:374) the perso(cid:374)"s per(cid:272)eptio(cid:374) of the se(cid:448)erit(cid:455) of the pote(cid:374)tial ill(cid:374)ess a(cid:374)d his/her appraisal of the costs and benefits of taking action. An individual who believes that the potential illness is serious, that he is at risk, and that the pros of taking action outweigh the cons is likely to adopt the target health behaviour. This is an extension of the theory of reasoned action: the theory of reasoned action states that intentions are the best predictors of actual behaviour.