[Kinesiology 3222A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 45 pages long Study Guide!

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Pons: striation appearance relay station between the cerebral cortex and cerebellum or vice versa. Cerebellum: second largest structure in the brain, primary role is coordinating our complex motor movements, cerebellar disease ataxia (lack of coordinated movement) failure to regulate posture and movement. Affects hands, arms, legs, speech: can be hereditary (friedriech"s ataxia, ataxia is a symptom of other disease (ex: too much alcohol consumption) Broca"s speech area/ motor speech area in the frontal lobe. Divisions of the ans: the majority of autonomic organs have dual innervation both pns and. Sns: sympathetic - activates the body for an immediate response, pns - opposite of the sns. The muscles that control them are either controlled by sns activation or they are relaxed (don"t need another nervous impulse to relax the muscle: kidney, adrenal medulla, most blood vessels. Vessels have sns that causes vasoconstriction which typically raises bp and if it is not activate the smooth muscle around the vessels relax.