Kinesiology 4482A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Negative Priming, Adobe After Effects, Simon Effect

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Trials occur in pairs (prime probe) To-be-responded-to targets & to-be-ignored distracted stimuli are presented either singly or together. Spatially compatible manual response required to the location of the target. Rt (ignored repetition) > rt(control) = snp. Distractor processing takes place automatically (and so contrary to instructions and intentions) e(cid:448)e(cid:374) if you k(cid:374)o(cid:449) it"s a pu(cid:373)p fake, you"re still going to process it. Ignored repetition: characterized when the probe target appears at the same location as the prime distractor location. Control: probe target occurs at a different location compared to the prime; while ignored repetition is probe target occurring at locations previously occupied by the prime trials. This one is faster compared to control and ignored repetition; target is repeated at the same location and the response is the same. We are more likely to use a just executed response compared to a inhibited response.