Kinesiology 4482A/B Final: Masking

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Ignored repetition trial is a definition of a probe trial showing up at the same location as the distractor. The x shows up for a very short period of time; short time because if it were to show up for a lo(cid:374)g period of ti(cid:373)e, you (cid:449)o(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:271)e a(cid:271)le to re(cid:373)o(cid:448)e it fro(cid:373) (cid:272)o(cid:374)s(cid:272)ious(cid:374)ess. 16 ms, you may have processed the distractor but it has not reached to your consciousness. At the end of the 16 ms, the mask comes on; the mask comes right over the x (distractor) You have to be careful with your mask; because when you mask the x, you cannot see the x. On the prime, something can happen only on the lower shelf and each location has its own response (look at phone for diagram) Distractor were presented for 16 ms (very brief) it (cid:449)as (cid:271)rief so you(cid:859)re (cid:374)ot (cid:272)o(cid:374)s(cid:272)iously aware of it.