Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Public Policy Doctrine, Arbitration Clause

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

It would substitute for an external review from a state court. It"s either the court of arbitration of sport or a state court. This is a difference to the internal review, which is followed potentially by the state court or court of arbitration. It"s a foundation according to swiss law, it has a managing office, a board and different organs. It leaves a lot of autonomy to the parties. Most people will refer not only to the cas but also on the procedure rules which the cas has enacted. There are different procedures in front of cas; ordinary procedures, appeal procedures, framework for anti-doping disputes, procedures at the venue of the olympic games. We need uniform rules and the rules need to be applied uniformly. It"s problematic (as it does not ensure a level playing field) if one state makes a decision on a doping suspension, and a different state does not accept it.