Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Rulemaking, Double Majority, Parliamentary System

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2 Jul 2020

Document Summary

May provide for greater accountability since legislatures cannot blame another organ of the legislature or blame others when citizen"s voices are not heard. Often limits the number of compromises that need to be reached when compared with bicameral images. May reduce the influence of lobbyists of powerful interests. First chamber ( the lower house) representation often is proportional and population- based. In this situation, ideally representing the same number of citizens. Second chamber ( the upper house") class, territorial or interest group representation are the fundamental aspects that shape the structure of the second chamber. May provide form more diverse forms of representation and greater institutional flexibility. Avoid simple majority rule (limit the chance of the tyranny of the majority) Provide for greater deliberation and more substantive review. Provide greater control and oversight of the executive. Provide for more responsiveness to different societal interests.