Microbiology and Immunology 3820A Study Guide - Final Guide: Sooty Mangabey, Histoplasma, Entamoeba Histolytica

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Hijack a lot of functions by using small proteins. All information for viruses in contained in the genome. Shapes: helical, naked (spherical), enveloped (caused by budding), space ship (infect bacteria, not human) Respiratory virus infections cause 80% of acute illnesses that result in a loss of time from work. Respiratory viruses have seasonality (right now: around the 50th week, we start to get an increase in the viral infections (pandemic) Circulates in three type: a, b, c. B and c only inject humans and never causes pandemics. Influenza a naturally found in water fowl, but can infect human, swine, poultry. Binds to oligosaccharides on cell surface containing terminal sialic acids. Cleaves sialic acid groups upon viral exit/entry (tamiflu) If really suffering, you will get tamiflu (drug) Essential for virus uncoating during viral entry. Many antivirals are targeted towards these important proteins. Antigenic drift: acquiring point mutations to escape the immune system. Small aa changes within ha and na.