Microbiology and Immunology 3820A Study Guide - Final Guide: Viral Disease, Rna Virus, Orthomyxoviridae

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Respiratory viruses: require host cell machinery in order to replicate (facilitate disease, the flu host interaction network. #1 offender: influenza: orthomyxoviridae group, enveloped, single stranded rna genome, circulates in three type: a, b, c, b and c only infect humans and never caused pandemics. Influenza a naturally found in water fowl, but can infect human, swine, poultry etc. Antigenic drift: acquiring point mutations to escape the immune system: small amino acid changes within ha or na, produces minor variations within the same subtype, due to lack of proof-reading on the. Rna polymerase: may alter ability to enter the host cell, evade antibody responses, new vaccine every year! Infects upper respiratory tract: fever chills and myalgia for 3-5 days. Coughing, sneezing: minor illness presents with young/healthy individuals, can be fatal to elderly and those with cardiorespiratory disease, vommiting/diarrhoea are not a primary symptom, but can occur (20-25% in kids)